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About Us

urban1.png was created by a script coordinator just like you: overworked, under-appreciated, and about two distros away from throwing my laptop out the window.


Just kidding. My office doesn't have a window.


Which is how I know you're more than just a human spellchecker and script distributor: you're a political advocate for the writers' room, you're the keeper of secrets, you're a showrunner-in-training, you're the hand of the king. But most of all, you're under-appreciated and under-supported.

I created to help you master the craft, acquire soft skills, vent your frustration, and ultimately get that freelance and get staffed — assuming any vestiges of the old promotion ladder still exist. Let this site be your life preserver. We're here when Final Draft tech support is closed for the night. When Scenechronize servers are down. Or when you just need a place to feel seen.   


Wanna help? If there's something you'd like to contribute, email me. Check out our store for snarky SC swag or buy the SC handbook for a frenemy. Tell your manager to sign me and sell my scripts.

Any or all of the above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, and good luck out there.

- Shawn 




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